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 Joe Dassin - Katy Cruel

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Messages : 365
Date d'inscription : 11/06/2011
Age : 51
Localisation : FRANCE

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MessageSujet: Joe Dassin - Katy Cruel   Joe Dassin - Katy Cruel Icon_minitimeDim 14 Oct - 11:00

Joe Dassin - Katy Cruel

Joe Dassin - Katy Cruel

Joe Dassin: Katy cruel (1966)

When first I came to town
They called me the roving jewel
Now they've changed their tune,
They call me Katy Cruel,
Come diddle 'm day
Oh, little lioday.

Oh that I was where I would be,
There to be where I am not,
Here I am where I must be,
Go where I would, I can not,
Come diddle 'm day
Oh, little lioday.

When I was young in twenty
They brought me the bottles plenty
Now they've changed their tune,
They bring me the bottles empty,
Come diddle 'm day
Oh, little lioday.

Oh that I was where I would be,
There to be where I am not,
Here I am where I must be,
Go where I would, I can not,
Come diddle 'm day
Oh, little lioday.

Well down the road I'll go,
And through the buggy mire,
Straightway cross the fields,
And to my heart's desire,
Come diddle 'm day
Oh, little lioday.

Oh that I was where I would be,
There to be where I am not,
Here I am where I must be,
Go where I would, I can not,
Come diddle 'm day
Oh, little lioday.

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